Friday, May 22, 2009

In Q3 2009 - Exchange 2007 SP2 will bring backup to Windows 2008

Ehlo All,

For Windows 2008 Server admins running Exchange 2007, Microsoft never provided a backup utility similar to ntbackup.exe for Windows 2003 Exchange admins. FYI: Exchange 2007 on Windows 2003 can be backed up, just not on Windows 2008. BK Winstead of Windows IT Pro posted about Microsoft plans in Q3 2009 to release an Exchange 2007 SP2 update that will allow backups. Microsoft's Exchange Team blogged about this and additional features (e.g. Exchange change auditing, Public Folder quotas, etc) found in SP2.


Exchange Server Virtualization Intro Articles

Ehlo All,

Here is a good starting (index) point article for learning about running Exchange Server in a virtualized environment on SearchExchange's website. Only issue is it's skewed toward Hyper-V. I would strongly recommend looking to run Exchange in VMware ESx. I run my production Exchange 2007 in ESXi 3.5. I plan to organize an upcoming NYExUG meeting to discuss virtualization, since it's important.


A How-To Configure SCR for Exchange 2007 SP1

Ehlo All,

This is an excellent how-to article to configure SCR (standby continuous replication) for Exchange 2007 SP1. Includes the scripts for easy copying and implementation. Article posted on Windows IT Pro by Tony Redmond.


Learn about Microsoft's DPM 2007 & Exchange

Ehlo All,

So, if you know what DPM is, you're ahead of the game already. It's Microsoft backup product called Data Protection Manager, and it's available for Exchange & SharePoint. I don't know a SINGLE tech that runs it, but don't let that stop you. Here's a SearchExchange article about DPM 2007 and Exchange by Brien Posey (MVP). Oh, and if you run it, reply to this article via the comments about why you like it over other backup products (e.g. Backup Exec, ARCserv, CommVault, etc).

Another SearchExchange article by Brien about how to deploy DPM 2007's agent on Exchange Server.

Best of luck,

Friday, May 8, 2009

Exchange 2010 Beta Articles (Good and Bad News)

Ehlo All,

I know it's beta, but I'm all worked up over the OWA Premium mode for non-IE browsers (e.g. Firefox and Safari will support Premium mode). Don't worry, I'll still focus on 2003 & 2007 on the blog.

The good news guy, a Tony Redmond article called "A First Look at Exchange 2010" from Windows IT Pro about all the new features. Excellent for an overview of how 2007 to 2010 has changed. Tony is technical is he dives right in.

And the bad news guy, a B.K. Winstead articled called "Exchange 2010, Problems, Problems, Problems" from Windows IT Pro about why did Microsoft force so many things on us via Exchange 2010 (e.g. Windows 2008, 64 bit, no upgrade path, no LCR, no 32 bit evaluation version, etc). It's beta, but he has valid points. Good so you know what's missing and you can plan accordingly.

Until next time, keep you're eye on your mail server.
